Category: All, Business, Charities, Community Support, Social Housing
Two Network Members are starting trials of one of the latest developments within the Tracker Suite; the facility for tracking programmes of intervention and support for residents. Accord’s Add Ventures team is using the new ‘Programme Tracker’ module to manage its employment and skills support programme: tracking individual intervention journeys for clients and evaluating overall impact. This includes profiling the specific needs of each client, monitoring their personal support programme, tracking their progress with a series of feedback questionnaires and star evaluations, and then evaluating the overall impact achieved.
Riverside will be using the new module to manage its volunteering programmes across the country: matching people to appropriate programmes; monitoring critical qualifying conditions such as CRB checks, driving licences, risk assessments and training; tracking individual volunteering histories and collating key indicators and reports at local and national levels.
Other Network Members are also considering this module for monitoring training or care support programmes and we plan to provide more feedback on the actual results in a future eNewsletter. In the meantime if you are interested in knowing more or would be interested in evaluating the software for yourselves then please contact us for more information by calling 01603 813932 or emailing us at: