Category: All, Community Support, Customer Engagement, Social Housing
When the g320, which represents small housing associations in London – with fewer than 1000 homes, was searching for a simple, quick and easy to use process to cost effectively evaluate the social return on its community and support activities it turned to Professor Richard Tomlins, a nationally recognised expert in equalities, community cohesion and social inclusion and a Director at Cohesia, to produce a simple guide.
Professor Tomlins, produced a simple guide to help them record outcomes, translate these into social values and report on and compare the results. This contrasts with the full SROI Network methodology typically used by larger associations that require high levels of knowledge, time and investment, or other processes which require some degree of knowledge to operate.
Professor Tomlins is now working with Arena to develop an online tool to make it even easier for g320 members to use his ‘stripped down’ approach. He explains that: “While less sophisticated than other approaches, it still provides a useful insight and allows comparisons between different programmes, activities, themes and landlords. This means that even smaller housing associations can gain a powerful and useful insight into their approach to social values and make meaningful social return calculations.”
For more information on g320 please visit their website at or contact Arena on 01603 813932 or email