Useful guide to TSMs - TP Tracker

Software for your Community Support team

A community support software package for managing and evaluating your programmes of community or personal support.

Track clients through their intervention journeys and evaluate the impact on each of them.

Manage and evaluate the overall financial and social value.

Key Features

Profile clients

Build a central database of your clients (prospective, current and past) in your community support software.

Include their contact details, profile, background information and past history.

TPTracker will automatically link everything recorded to their record.

Profile programmes

Build a database of all your community development and client support programmes.

TPTracker will link all the background information, events, engagements, inputs and outputs you record to them AND to the relevant client files.

Analyse clients

Track all the engagements and other interventions for an individual client and evaluate the impact on them.

Use your choice of both indicators (for binary outcomes such as ‘Back in work’) and star charts (for incremental changes such as ‘Level of self confidence’).

Analyse programmes

Your TPTracker community support software includes an on-screen reporting and analysis toolkit.

Interrogate individual events, programmes, funding sources, delivery partners, etc or any combination of these, to give you the reports you need.

Social valuation

Outcomes can be translated into social values to give you a ‘Quick View’ of the relative impact achieved.

Use this to determine an approximate ‘ranking’ or those programmes worthy of more detailed evaluation.

Licence Fees


TPTracker is web-based community support software, which means you do not have to install anything on your hardware, just use any browser to access it securely. You can use any device – PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone – anywhere where you have internet access.

We charge an annual licence fee which covers your whole organisation, with no limit to the number of users; you control who has access to TPTracker and what they can see or do.


You can add this option at any time, for managing multi-channel surveys (post, phone, SMS/Text, online or face to face) to gather and interpret your customers’ feedback

 [See the ‘Customer Insight’ page for details of all that’s included]

Please contact us for further information.

Getting you started


Firstly, we want to get to know you so we really understand what you need, so we will come and spend a half day with you and your team, listening to what you want and sharing ideas with you. There will be no charge for this visit.

This will mean we can set your TPTracker solution up for you in the best possible way, load your initial database for you and then offer the best possible advice about using it all.


You could then start to use TPTracker, learning as you go from the in-built ‘how to’ guides; it is really easy to find your way around. The Support Team is always there to help you when you need it.

However, we do recommend some on-site training, especially for larger organisations where different teams will be using different features and the database is linked to your own housing management system for regular updates. In this case, we usually recommend the following:

Half a day to check the automatic updating is set up and working, that you have all the fields you need in your database and that your local TPTracker administrator knows how to manage security settings and user access.

One day (usually following the above half day) to train up to 12 users. If you have a lot of users, this could be used to ‘train the trainers’ so you can take things forward yourself, or we can add in extra days to train your teams for you, if you prefer.

Extra training is required if you have added the Customer Surveys option, to train the team members who will be creating questionnaires and managing feedback campaigns.


Continuing to support you

Your licence fee gives you free access to the TPTracker Support Team during normal office hours: that’s 9 to 5 on Mondays to Thursdays and 9 to 4 on Fridays, excluding Bank Holidays.

We are contactable by phone or email. Our team is solely there to support users of TPTracker so they all have a good knowledge of best practice in the sector which they are happy to share.

"TP tracker has been such a useful tool , especially during the pandemic. It has enabled us to keep in regular contact with our tenants, launch a new satisfaction project and send out some key messages."
Paula Tuck
Saffron Housing

Arranging a demo

So if you think TPTracker may be able to help you and your teams, give us a call and we will arrange a visit to listen to what you need, suggest the options for you and give your team a demonstration. Just pick up the phone or email us:
01508 333090 or

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