Last Updated on December 22, 2015
Category: All, Social Housing

This has been a challenging year for the housing sector (name a year that hasn’t been!) and as in all situations like this, some have responded with gloom and despair while others have tried to remain positive.

 As the pressure for performance improvement increased, two of our more recent clients say they have invested in TP Tracker to help them manage more efficiently and to provide better information on which to base decisions.

Helen Ryan, Head of Communities at Plymouth Homes believes Tracker will be important in evidencing the effectiveness of support programmes and the outcomes achieved; they will be using this evidence to attract the external funding they will need in the future to maintain a high level of support for their tenants and communities.

At Swan Housing, Caroline Richardson is Head of Community Development and Resident Involvement: “We decided to purchase TP Tracker, because it enables us to be accountable for the work that we carry out, responsive to the needs of our customers and business like in the way that we deliver our projects.”

So as Christmas offers us a well-earned break, we wish you all a few days of peace and rest from the day to day pressure; may we all return refreshed in the New Year.

A Happy Christmas to you all.