Category: All, Customer Engagement, Social Housing
When it comes to engaging with residents, nobody will have more experience than those on the front line. Through the Tracker Network we can put you in direct contact with a social housing provider that has personal experience of many of the issues you may be facing.
Members of the Tracker Network successfully use the powerful software modules to manage performance, evaluate outcomes and deliver effective resident engagement programmes.
When it comes to engaging with residents:
- Watford Community Housing Trust is particularly proud of how their preferred methods of contact, and texting in particular, is helping them achieve the targets they’ve set themselves.
- South Northants Homes can describe how they are evaluating the impact of their resident involvement activities, sharing this with stakeholders and using it to determine future priorities.
- South Anglia can outline their experiences of running resident award programmes for a number of years: avoiding the pitfalls and can describe the real benefits they have reaped.
- We also have excellent examples of how other Network Members are profiling residents, targeting the delivery of services and evaluating the impact of their participation programmes.
Another key requirement is supporting communities and individuals:
- Accord is tracking the intervention journeys and outcomes for each client on their work programme and evaluating the overall performance using Tracker.
- Riverside is developing a large volunteering programme and using Tracker to match volunteers with appropriate opportunities to work in projects within the organisation .
- Community Gateway is introducing Tracker to manage their training and skills programmes; in particular to create performance reports which match the format required by their local benchmarking group.
- Several other social housing providers have also built a wealth of experience and knowledge about translating outcomes into social values and calculating their social return on investment – SROI appears to be this year’s ‘hot topic’.
Even hearing what others are doing when it comes to the analytical and reporting experiences can be beneficial when it comes to surveys and feedback:
- Greenfields is delighted by the benefits it has achieved when managing their organisation’s surveys as a single coordinated programme: leading to reduced cost; better data; more reliability and less burden on residents.
- Marches is using post-repairs surveys to review the performance of individual contractors and thus better manage contracts.
- Watford is now adopting the STAR survey methodology of a large questionnaire/census survey plus smaller quarterly questionnaires sent to small samples of residents as its preferred approach.
- A number of Tracker Members can go into considerable detail, if desired, about the important role of surveys in evaluating service standards and how well (or not) these are linked to resident satisfaction.
Don’t take our word for how you could benefit from becoming a Tracker Network Member, contact the Tracker Support Team on 01603 813932 and we’d be delighted to put you in touch with other social housing providers that are already reaping the benefits.