Category: All, Business, Charities, Customer Insight, Social Housing
Tracker has a new survey feature to help when you need to react quickly to a tenant’s survey response.
You can add automated Alerts to any questionnaire by asking (for instance):
“Would you like someone from ABC Housing to call you to discuss your comments?”
If ‘Yes’ is ticked, Tracker will automatic send an immediate email alert to a nominated staff member, with copies to two others.
The email will give you the tenant’s name and contact details with the option of including details of their survey responses.
You can add supplementary questions if you wish, such as: “What would be the best phone number to call you on?” or “When would be a good time to contact you?”
Tenants will feel they are being listened to and your instant response will reassure them that you are acting on their comments.
If you would like to add Alerts to your survey(s) give the Help Desk a call on 08456 432872.